Friday, November 11, 2005

How come a week you have dreaded could turn out so well? Maybe sometimes because you have a negative attitude in the first place it spoils the chance to see what an opportunity is ahead. I am so much better at looking back at things and say "whaw, that was actually rewarding" than to look ahead and say "I am really looking forward to that challenge"....Maybe it has to do with the fact that I am painfully aware of the fact that there is a LOT of work involved before one can reap the benefits. I am just done doing a week’s program at a school. I had classes for all the ages - interesting, one period you are talking to a six year old and three hours later you cover the same topic for a fourteen year old - having to be adaptable and creative in such situations... Kids are fascinating whatever age. Sometimes you wonder what is really going on inside their minds and at other times you marvel at their insights, depth and their humour. You think you went there to teach them but end up realising that you were the one who learnt. You learn that there is no point pretending, they see through you :-) You learn that no matter how tired you are standing in front of 80 kids WILL wake you up... And you learn that at the end of the day when they wave you good buy and tell you that they want you to come back that a little mark have been made on your soul...a hug, a smile, a warmth without are worth the effort! Let me never forget!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

In honour of all my English speaking friends I have decided to write an English entry... Just got back from a flying visit to England. The reason for going was sad - was attending a funeral of a family member - but the trip was a real inspiration. It started Sunday - in the morning I sat at home, in front of the warming fire with a squirrel jumping from tree to tree in the forest outside my lounge window. By the evening I was sitting in an Indian restaurant in Newcastle with my husband enjoying the unforgettable taste of a vegetable byriani. The following evening was Japanese food in Kensington, London. While in London I was also reading my friend Harald's blogg who was writing from far up north in Norway. It made me think of the kind of society in which we now live - we have friends and family spread all over the globe and yet we still see each other and keep in touch (even though it is not by far often enough!). Aeroplanes are amazing inventions! I am always slightly hesitant when I board one - but the convenience of them is beyond belief. It is always so great to catch up with friends and the British shopping centres are in a world of their own (my bank account don't appreciate them very much, but in this respect me and the bank account differ in opinion). I am back in front of my fireplace now after getting a fill of busy city life - it is needed at times. It makes me appreciate the quietness and stillness which is Norway and yet the busyness of London gives me a buzz and energizers me to keep flying!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Jeg har følt presset i over en uke nå på og faktisk få skrevet ned noen tanker her... Det har vært (som alltid) utrolig travelt med deadline, bortreist mann og syke barn... og alt dette er ting jeg har påtatt meg frivillig!! Når jeg virkelig setter meg ned og ser på ting så oppdager jeg jo bare hvor fantastisk det er å faktisk ha en familie som en er glad i pluss og ha en jobb som en virkelig brenner for og ønsker å gjøre! Jeg stortrives faktisk med alle kravene som stilles til meg for tiden, det kan bli hektisk, men det er på en god måte.

Leser for tiden Samlivsboken fra Modum bad - meget bra for de som er intressert i å berike forholdet sitt til sin partner/livsledsager... Den er insiktsfull når det gjelder parforhold og feller man ofte går i - hvis man i tillegg leser boken i sammen som et par så får man enda mere ut av den!

Andre bøker jeg vil anbefale for tiden, hvis du har barn, eller jobber med barn i barneskole alderen er "Tenkofil" bøkene - utgitt av Omnipax, de tar opp emner som "hva tenker du om godt og vondt" og "Hva tenker du om følelser". Det gir deg et meget godt utgangspunkt til å samtale med dine barn om temaer som ellers kan være en utfording å ta for seg. Sjekk de ut for deg selv!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Her kommer jeg til å utfolde meg med mine literære evner. Bare følg med. Jeg er blant annet redaktør for et landsdekkende blad, så dette kommer til å bli veldig bra. Takk for i kveld.