Sunday, February 25, 2007

Involuntary exercise....

It always happen when Victor is away! Everything looks like it is clearing up, then Victor goes away for a few days and the downpour starts. It seems like it has been snowing nonstop since he left. Which means HARD work for me!
We have one of these manual snow showing tools which takes a lot of effort to show up and down the road to our house & the more snow it is the heavier it gets... This in one of those things which I am convinced is really a mans job!! I am all for equality but all in moderation. One would not want to end up looking like a man with huge bulging muscles!!
While all this white fluffy stuff keep falling from the sky my beloved husband is lazing about up north at Finnmarksvidda, skiing, dog sledging, building snow holes and igloo's and then proceeds to spend the night in them. All this from a man born and brought up in suburban Britain, not bad really :-)
Anyway, this still leaves me on my own to fight the elements here at home - maybe I should interpret this as a subtle start to my fitness regime...

Friday, February 23, 2007


tomorrow has yet again turned into today. I keep making promises to myself that "tomorrow I will do better", "tomorrow I'll do something about it"...but then tomorrow never seems to happen!

The last few days I've had this aim to start the morning by doing some exercises. I don't know what it is but I have recently begun feeling older - everything is so much more of an effort. Not sure if it is related to the rapid passing of time towards mid-thirties or if is mainly pure unfitness. Not being able to do much about the passing of time, I've decided to go for the fitness regime! That is if I can ever get started...
I've found a picture from days gone by - see if me as 21 will be inspiration enough... :-)
Will keep you posted!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Inspirert av Heidi's "drepe en forelske" blogg så utgir jeg nå en "forbli forelsket" liste...

#1 Gjem den først "mo i knærne" føelsen godt inni hjerte ditt og ta den frem og kjenn på den ofte
fordel: du glemmer aldri den betatte følelsen
ulempe: du forblir forelsket...
#2 Stirr minst 10 min på mannen i ditt liv hver eneste dag (om du ikke har den virkelige utgaven foran deg så får et bilde gjøre samme nytten) mens du sukker av tilfredshet over at han er din
fordel: du forblir betatt og synes at han er den kjekkeste mannen noensinne
ulempe: alle andre menn blekner i sammenligning....
#3 Vær oppmerksom på alle de gode kvalitetene han har som du setter pris på...
- som at han ler av dine tåpelige vitser
- som at han alltid setter pris på maten du lager selv når den ikke når opp til Jamie Oliver standard...
- som at han alltid kjører de lange kjøreturene slik at du kan sove i passasjersetet ved siden av
- som at han tar sin del av oppvasken uten å søle eller sutre for mye
- som at han henter ved og tenner opp i peisen når det er kaldt
fordel: de tingene som ellers ville irritert deg går i glemmeboken for du er så fokusert på det du virkelig liker og setter pris på
ulempe: du har ingen ting igjen å irritere deg for....
#4 Aldri slutt og overrask han
- vask bilen uoppfordret
- la han sove lenge om morgenen uten å klage og vekk han med en rykende fersk kopp kaffe og en sjokoladebit
fordel: du kjeder aldri deg selv eller han - livet blir fullt av overraskelser
ulempe: tingene blir da aldri monotone eller forutsigbare....
#5 Snakk med han! -men ikke unøvendig babbel...
fordel: kommunikasjonen holdes åpen og man fortsetter å vokse sammen isted for fra hverandre
ulempe: det kan ta tid og føre til at man deler følelser og blir mer intime og samkjørte...
#6 Ta vare på deg selv (menn liker velpleide kvinner)
fordel: du får pleiet deg selv og det er godt
du blir i godt humør
du beholder ditt fantastiske utsende
ulempe: resten av Adam's ætt kan komme til å bli misunnelige på din heldige utkårede
#7 La mannen få litt "alene" tid hver dag uten å klage (det er faktisk sant - hule tendensene eksisterer i realiteten!)
fordel: du får en blid mann som har tid og energi til å være sosial med deg og barna resten av dagen
ulempe: du får litt tid for deg selv du og....
#8 La forelskelsen gli over til ekte kjærlighet
fordel: forholdet kommer til å vare for resten av livet
ulempe: det er ingen.... ;-)

Merk - er ulempene virkelig ulemper????? :-)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I try to not constantly write about my kids or being a mother - I know (from personal experience) that when a parents life revolves very much around the little angles, but I am also very aware that I am not just a mother and my life is not just my kids, but I am afraid that today it has to be a blog about just that....motherhood....because today is MOTHERS DAY in Norway....
The day started like many a Sunday, husband away at work, so no breakfast in bed - but at least I got a lay-in until 8.30 am. which was not bad. At which time I had a squealing child on the toilet "I'm FINISHED!" and a puppy whining as loud as she could in her cage "let me out - I want to play!!". I dragged myself out of bed, put on my dressing gown (yep, old enough to be the proud owner of a thick and comfortable dressing gown :-)) and went downstairs to deal with the crises'. I subsequently put on children's television and trying to wake myself gently on the sofa with a glass of fruit juice whilst browsing in a magazine. Then the inevitable nagging starts - I want a drink, I'm thirsty - that crises dealt with - then starts the arguments - my dear son had manged to leave his Nintendo DS game in the car last night, and with husband away at work meant that the car was gone with him, so, no possibility of getting the game for a few hours. His older sister is merrily playing away on her game which he of course wants to chance of that... It all culminates with mother (voice being slightly louder than appropriate) saying "Today is mothers day you should all be nice to me, to each other, to everybody today. I don't want any more arguments today - that can be your present to me!!" I then march off to the toilet (one of the few places a mother of three small children and two dogs can have a moment of peace). A couple of minutes later there is a knock on the door and three children come marching in pressies in hand - a lovely princess (self made from a candle), a gift card for mamma's favourite clothes store and a home made card telling me what a nice and kind mamma I am.... I am now sitting in the sofa, sipping my cup of tea, while my son is playing on his sisters Nintendo DS, the sister is sitting on the sofa knitting while the little one is dancing away in front of the stereo - The kind mamma is having a wonderful Mothers Day after all :-)