So, what's new?
- Mattias has started football practise. The highlight of his week these days are Wednesday nights when the leg protectors and football shoes comes on and off he and Daddy goes!
- Because the second new thing that has happened is that Victor is now a football coach! He is coaching the great team of six year old's, desperately trying to get them to pay more attention to passing and playing the ball to each other rather than getting sidetracked by interesting gravel that can be thrown at each other or other fascinating distractions!
- Miranda has now turned five years old and is truly a proud five year old, whose one of her main hobbies include learning to write and do pretend homework! She is also happily spending hours digging and helping Daddy in the garden which has resurfaced after the winter!
- Miriam is her normal, dutiful, good girl. She is an amazing story writer and recently produced a 13 page long computer written story!! It was actually fascinating reading (obviously inherited some of her mothers lively imagination....:-s)
- Miriam is also learning to play the violin, which she is enjoying! She sent me to sleep on the sofa the other day when she was practising and I was resting, it was so relaxing!
- Lulu is gradually growing up and is starting to be able to control herself a bit - a bit less puppy and a bit more adult :-)
- I'm attempting to brace myself for one of the busiest times of my life work wise....not totally sure whether I'm ready for it, but I work on taking one day at the time!