The latest addition...Sometimes I think we must be absolutely mad...Victor and I have three children, seven seater car, fairly big house, three rabbits, an aquarium, six stick insects (yes - live little animals who pretend to be sticks in order not to get seen and eaten - and they are all just females, still they can produce kids all on their own - very fascinating subject, but slightly off my topic right now...) and now we also have TWO dogs!!! On the side we also have two full time jobs... Getting a puppy in the house is really like getting another baby in many ways (ok, babies do not nick daddy's smelly shoes and chew on them like crazy before we manage to pull it off her..), there are the disturbed nights - the amazing thing is that Victor (who NEVER seemed to wake up when the babies cried) is the one who wakes up and gets up and let her out. On the positive side, there are also the cuddles and affection - her favourite thing is to curl up in your lap and get cuddled. And Twiggy (our 7year old dog) is a very happy and caring "mummy". So, our little family has gotten bigger - no plans for any more additions I can assure you all ;-)
and she will grow; contributing in making the madhouse even madder... ;-)
Hunder er søtest når de er små så man burde alltid kjøpe en ny når valpen blir stor!
hmm.. Den ser lidt betænksom ud.. Undres på hvorfor?
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