What is the chance of it?????Talking of misfortune - getting a bit sick of it really..!! You see, yesterday I managed the marvellous trick of falling down our staircase, with the result of a badly bruised bottom and a BROKEN toe!!! Who would have thought that those little things could hurt so bad??? Well, according to my loving husband they are not so "little" - "it's no surprise you managed to break them, they are about as long as your fingers". Ok, I admit it, my toes have been the amusement of many a joke between my husband and my brother-in-laws (seems to be a family trait, my sisters toes are equally long, slender and elegant). They claim that our toes are "the missing link".
The most annoying thing is that it means I am missing out on a trip to Denmark tomorrow and have to hobble about on the first days of our holiday... Because on Thursday we are off!!! Three weeks holiday in the Sates, I am VERY excited about it, never having been there before. Will let you all know what it was like when I come back!
Apart from the toe incident, I had a good weekend with a busy program. The highlights being the children’s Sabbath school taking the church service on Sabbath. Daniel in the lions den :-) I was very proud of my three little lions!! All the kids did really well and it was a excellent service!
Later on Saturday night we went to a Christmas concert in my church, Cornelius, which was another rewarding experience. Miriam's singing group took part as well (their CD is coming out any day now, and being the objective mother that I am I can safely and truly say it is worth purchasing :-)). All in all not a bad weekend, the toe aside ;-)
will miss you a lot! have a great time :-) see you new year's eve (or the day before..)
haha, you have a lot of jetlagged blog-reading to do when you come home. ;-)
So when are we going to read about the trip to the USA and see some pictures!?!
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