tomorrow has yet again turned into today. I keep making promises to myself that "tomorrow I will do better", "tomorrow I'll do something about it"...but then tomorrow never seems to happen!
The last few days I've had this aim to start the morning by doing some exercises. I don't know what it is but I have recently begun feeling older - everything is so much more of an effort. Not sure if it is related to the rapid passing of time towards mid-thirties or if is mainly pure unfitness. Not being able to do much about the passing of time, I've decided to go for the fitness regime! That is if I can ever get started...
I've found a picture from days gone by - see if me as 21 will be inspiration enough... :-)
Will keep you posted!
Herlig bilde! :)
I thought it was a current picture. :-)
I'm sure that will please Victor a lot ;-) It's taken while we were just "going out" & before the grey totally took over on the follicular front.... :-D
Om jeg bare noen gang blir halvparten så lykkelig..
Du er blevet ældre... :-)
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