Back home again...
We are back from a wonderful holiday in England. I had not realised HOW much I miss that place. It is strange that a country which stricktly speaking is not my own still has managed to steal a chunck of my heart.
It was so good to meet up with family and friends again. The cousins also really enjoyed catching up with eachother. A lot of laughs, play and fun - for kids and adults alike!!
It was also good just to get away from the business of everyday life with work and home demands. It is what is needed at times to make one survive the pressures of life.
I feel another holiday calling - good it's not too long before summer when another England trip is in the pipeline!
NEW LAYOUT??? oi=)
Prøvde å kommentere igår/forigårs?, men da funka det ikke...? Grattis med ny lay-out og velkommen tilbake på bloggen! :)
men du mistet alle linkene dine..
Ja, jeg tenkte det kunne være koselig med litt friskere vårligere layout :-) Men det stemmer, jeg må oppdatere linkene mine, har bare ikke fått gjort det...
I love this picture. What lovely dresses!
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