Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A touch of frost...
Looking out of my window I see the sun glittering in snow covered branches. The dogs leave their imprints on the white ground as they run along after each other. The kids wake up screaming of joy because winter is finally here "when can I start skiing to school?", "I am going to slide on snow racers in kindergarten!" "so am I!" :-) I run around the house pulling out drawers and searching in wardrobes looking for last years hats and mittens, while the kids put on layers of clothes. The doors are frozen to the car so I have to pull with all my might to get them opened, the seat is freezing my butt off (whatever happened to that garage we were going to build..??). Driving along on twisty narrow country roads while your car is practicing ice skating is enough to wake up even the most sleepy zombie (who needs cappuccino?). Friends walk me to the bus while being like kids and having a snowball fight...
Evening time, the fire is crackling and warming. The kids are sleeping soundly after playing out in the cold fresh air most of the day. Outside it is pitch dark. Drinking a cup of hot chocolate while Jack Johnson is playing in the background.
Winter has its challenges, but it is really not too bad at all ;-) November in Norway.


Anonymous said...

Admit it, you so wanted to join that snowball fight. too bad I can't make it on Sunday....:(

Amanda said...

You like Jack???

Anonymous said...

Enig med HK. Ikke bra å være "voksen" om vinteren!!! Benytt sjansen til å leke med ungene! :)

Gryne said...

Hadde det ikke vært for den dumme, tunge databaggen som jeg bar på så hadde jeg nok blitt med :-)

Gryne said...

Yes Amanda, you bought me a cd for my birthday and converted me :-)

Anonymous said...

"Driving along on twisty narrow country roads while your car is practicing ice skating is enough to wake up even the most sleepy zombie (who needs cappuccino?)"

I think you would have prefered the cappuccino this time.