Sunday, February 25, 2007

Involuntary exercise....

It always happen when Victor is away! Everything looks like it is clearing up, then Victor goes away for a few days and the downpour starts. It seems like it has been snowing nonstop since he left. Which means HARD work for me!
We have one of these manual snow showing tools which takes a lot of effort to show up and down the road to our house & the more snow it is the heavier it gets... This in one of those things which I am convinced is really a mans job!! I am all for equality but all in moderation. One would not want to end up looking like a man with huge bulging muscles!!
While all this white fluffy stuff keep falling from the sky my beloved husband is lazing about up north at Finnmarksvidda, skiing, dog sledging, building snow holes and igloo's and then proceeds to spend the night in them. All this from a man born and brought up in suburban Britain, not bad really :-)
Anyway, this still leaves me on my own to fight the elements here at home - maybe I should interpret this as a subtle start to my fitness regime...


Anonymous said...

Shuffling snow around really is a man's job, I agree. Let's stick with the situps and the aerobics. And the chocolate. And the tea. And the truffles. And the fudge...

Anonymous said...

Snømåking passer fint inn i treningsopplegget, ikke tenkt på det! :D

Amanda said...

OK, can we just talk about the IGLOOS for a second!? What's up with that? Is it not cold enough in Vik for him?!?!

You should post a picture of that snow moving thingy you mention. I'd love to see what you're talking about. Coming from Florida, I cannot even begin to imagine...

Anonymous said...

(nå) SAVNER (jeg) DEG (veldig) MASSE! jeg håper du blogger mer når du kommer hjem!!
